La Juventus Turin a certainement fait le trou en tête le week-end dernier. Avec une courte victoire face à Empoli (1-0) couplée au revers de Naples à Udinese (3-1), les champions en titre sont en passe d’être sacrés à nouveau. L’avance de 6 points à quelques journées de la fin ressemble à un matelas confortable. En déplacement à San Siro pour y défier le Milan AC, la mission titre pourrait prendre une nouvelle dimension. Mais les Milanais, à 6 points de la Ligue Europa, savent que cette rencontre est peut-être leur dernière cartouche pour récolter un ticket européen.
Allegri is the connecting link, downloaded in Milan, he returned to be champion in Turin, while taking along some doubts. Juventus explosives accounts, on which retains the utmost attention,
according fiattine habits that have been shameless only in the period of so-called men and pure executives (Elkann took so Blanc and Cobolli affected by natural disasters and the budgets of the club has unmasked them). The same can not be said and written of Milan who has emptied the safe of Berlusconi and strength parameters is zero to zero with his own image. When the rider took over the club, wanted and knew how to put aside the nostalgia of the past and look only to the future, so much for memory, Rivera, Rocco, and
other memorabilia. Cups and were all there was to become a legendary club. Today it is the Milan? They do Berlusconi and Galliani? Get together with Sacchi, discuss the future but taking on the table the book of the past, thus behave in exactly the opposite way to how they did in the time of re-foundation. And AC Milan slips, changing coaches, liquid executives, one in Barcelona and the other to the Bayern Monaco.
The match against Juventus comes at the right time and worse. It is not an oxymoron, is the reality Rossoneri, a misconception that has dragged on because Silvio Berlusconi, as in his latest political events - the case of the mayor of Rome - decide not to decide, refers, announces, denies, confirms Mihajlovic and then discusses ensures new investments and then brakes, he promises a team to Champions but announces that it will be an AC Milan everything Italian and young, so hello Europe. But in ninety minutes it can also happen that Milan togethers blood and sweat, it can happen that Balotelli will remember being a promise and not a premise.
If there were no half Juventus everything would be easier but this Juventus is not that ten years ago. This Juventus does not live on the past and romantic nostalgia. We got rid of Del Piero canceling the contract but not the affection, has focused elsewhere and travels to a fifth consecutive league title that seems only a matter of course in Turin. The sadness, not only technical but accounting, AC Milan and Milan have many good reasons to find a moment of peace. But Juventus have higher urgency, the joint venture is the stuff of the past, no favors, no compassion, you play and you win. I do not think, however, that Allegri is likely to cause the dismissal of Mihajlovic. Not tomorrow night. There is always the final of the Italian Cup.
Concentrés sur le championnat, les Turinois marchent sur l’eau avec 20 victoires sur les 21 dernières journées. C’est tout simplement incroyable. Le Milan AC peut craquer, même à domicile. Victoire de la Juve.